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Three anti-paint common problem handling methods

1417 2019-06-11 JuXin Electronics

I received a call today, and they used the following three phenomena after spraying three anti-paints. What should I do with the inquiry?

1. Bubbles appear after the three anti-paint is sprayed on the board

2. Three anti-paint spray thick spots will appear particles

3. The part that can't be painted with three anti-paints is glued with the masking glue. After spraying the three anti-paints, there will be no water on the top of the mask.

In fact, these kinds of phenomena are very common, as long as you pay attention to it can improve. Here we talk about how to improve these phenomena.

1. Before spraying three anti-paints, the board needs to be cleaned with washing water, and then placed in the oven to be completely dried and then sprayed with three anti-paint to prevent bubbles.

2. The three anti-paints can not be sprayed too thick, too thick will appear granular white spots.

3. The best Polyxin 101 solder resist can not be painted with three anti-paints. It is easy to tear off after spraying three anti-paints. If you use the masking glue, the three anti-paint will not cure, of course, it will be water, and then it will flow.

Anything that doesn't understand the above phenomenon can be inquired at any time to contact the staff of Juxin Electronics. Your satisfaction is our pursuit.

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